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CSR in companies, a state of mind to cultivate

Today, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a major issue for companies of all sizes. Consumers, investors and employees expect companies to adopt sustainable and responsible practices. A way to prove that they are doing something positive for the world.

This goes far beyond mere legal obligations, as companies that integrate CSR into their strategy enjoy numerous benefits, such as a better brand image, lower staff turnover and improved productivity.

CSR is not a fashion, it is a real human and environmental commitment.


What is CSR?

CSR is an approach that consists of integrating social and environmental concerns into the daily activities of a company. It involves taking into account the economic, social and environmental impacts of its activities and seeking to minimize them. 


CSR can be manifested in a variety of ways, such as adopting sustainable management practices, reducing environmental impact, ensuring fair working conditions or supporting community initiatives.

We can say that CSR is the way for a company to show that it is eco-responsible, human and virtuous.


Why should you focus on CSR?

Beyond the ethical aspect, there are many reasons why companies should adopt a CSR policy. 


Enhance your brand and reputation

Companies that integrate CSR practices into their operations can improve their reputation with stakeholders, including customers, investors, employees and local communities. Consumers are increasingly aware of social and environmental issues, and are therefore more likely to buy from companies that are perceived as responsible.

Reduce your costs

CSR can also help you reduce costs by adopting more sustainable practices, such as waste reduction, better energy consumption or lower production costs. 

Boost your productivity

Employees are more motivated and engaged when they work for a company that takes into account their social and environmental concerns. CSR brings more meaning to everyday life, and this has become the major element of corporate well-being.

Be a major player in local life

By supporting social and solidarity initiatives, you can build relationships of trust with local actors, which can contribute to strengthening your presence and impact on the territory.

How to cultivate a CSR mindset?

CSR must be integrated into your overall strategy and not just seen as an objective in its own right. You need to take social and environmental impacts into account when making decisions and measure progress through CSR performance indicators.


1/ Establish a clear vision and mission

You need to start by establishing a clear vision and mission that integrates social and environmental concerns into your business. It must be a vision shared by all employees and partners to ensure a collective commitment.


2/ Involving employees

Your employees must be made aware of CSR issues and involved in the implementation of sustainable practices. You can, for example, organize training sessions to raise awareness and encourage your teams.


3/ Integrating CSR into operational processes

CSR must be integrated into all of your company's operational processes, from the design of your services to their delivery. 


4/ Communicate on your actions

Communicate transparently about your CSR results. Show your actions, your attempts, your projects, and everything related to your CSR efforts. This will build trust with your customers and enhance your company's reputation.


To give you a good example, at Viseeon, we plant trees thanks to our commitment with Reforest'action. But we'll tell you about that in a future article.

And you, where are you in terms of CSR?


As you can see, CSR is a crucial issue for your firm. Cultivating a CSR mindset will benefit you in many ways. So it's up to you! 

Viseeon France - Network of Chartered Accountants

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