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SSO: On the road to 1 simplification

Viseeon chooses to set up an SSO for its customers: Greater simplicity and security

In the accountancy field, effective management of client data is essential to providing quality service. 

Today's accounting firms use a wide range of tools and applications to manage their clients' finances. However, juggling different logins and passwords can become tedious and lead to security problems. 

That's where our solution comes in: SSO!

Let's take a look at why Viseeon has chosen to offer these customers a unified authentication solution.


What is SSO?

It's the new superpower we're offering you Viseeoners and your customers.

SSO, which stands for "Single Sign-On", is like a superpower. It lets you log in to all your tools with a single password. No need to remember multiple passwords, just one! It's practical, fast and secure!

Implementing a Single Sign-On system offers many advantages for Viseeon customers. By simplifying access to various tools and reinforcing data security, SSO considerably improves the customer experience, while guaranteeing confidentiality of information.


What are the advantages of SSO for our customers?

✅ Improved safety
✅ Increased productivity
✅ Improved customer adoption, satisfaction and experience


Enhanced safety

Cybercriminals mainly target usernames and passwords. Every time a user logs on to a new application, this represents an opportunity for hackers. The use of single sign-on (SSO) reduces the attack surface, as users log in only once and use only one set of credentials.

Reducing login to a single set of credentials improves corporate security. When employees have to use separate passwords for each application, they tend not to. In fact, 59% of them use the same or similar passwords on several accounts. As a result, if a hacker gains access to a poorly secured site, it is likely that he or she will also be able to gain access to other company IT systems.

1 single password = controlled mental workload

With the migration to the cloud, users, customers, collaborators, Viseeoners, are using more and more applications in the workplace. However, requiring separate logins and passwords for each application is a considerable burden for everyone, and it's simply not realistic. Single sign-on (SSO) reduces this cognitive load.


Increased productivity

By only logging in once, users also save time, which improves their productivity. Given that 68% of employees switch between applications ten times an hour, eliminating multiple logins can save our staff and customers valuable time. 

Thanks to the Viseeon portal, which brings together all the tools available to our customers, we offer a smooth user experience.


Improved customer adoption, satisfaction and experience

Improving the customer experience is one of the most valuable benefits of implementing a unified authentication system. 

Studies show that up to 18.75% of users abandon an action on a website, such as validating their shopping cart, because of password reset problems or forgotten passwords. 

Our customers benefit from a more seamless experience, with less friction and frustration. The immediate benefits of an improved user experience are: loyalty, higher conversion rates and greater visibility for our beautiful brand.


Convinced that the customer experience is ultra-important, Viseeon continues to invest in making life easier for its customers. 


Vianney Delannoy

Chief Digital Officer

Viseeon France - Network of Chartered Accountants

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