Viseeon Cookie Policy
Cookies are small text files that a website, when visited, places on your computer or mobile device, through your browser, and whose purpose is to improve the user's browsing experience, optimizing your experience when visiting our website.
VISEEON FRANCE stores the collected data on subcontracted servers located in the European Union and we have therefore taken contractual measures to ensure that our subcontractor respects and protects this personal and sensitive data.
Our website records the history of your visits which are anonymized by default. You can, at any time, refuse to have your browser history anonymized for our website and/or applications.
By using our website and/or applications, you agree to the use of cookies. However, you can control and manage them through your browser by following the instructions on how to control cookies.
Google Chrome:
Please note that not accepting or deleting cookies may impact your user experience and some features may stop responding properly.
Date of last update:
11 October 2022
Viseeon Cookie Policy
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