Accounting firm: a business with a mission in the making?

An accounting firm manager should no longer think only about the success of his company or the increase of his revenues and financial assets; but think in terms of proposing a mission to the men and women with whom he works, and who allow this company to evolve favorably and positively through their collective involvement.

This option must be seized and analyzed by audit and accounting firms: it will obviously address current and future concerns.


The added value of public accountants

If they take advantage of this possibility that the Pact law has put in place, then stakeholders will receive a powerful signal on a clear and founding strategy

Because they have a vocation to accompany their clientsFrench business leaders, to create value, chartered accountants have their full confidence but also their ear.

Today, value does not only lie in the creation of economic economic wealth but also in the will to drive and mobilize, in the impetus proposed in its work and certainly in the ability to (re)build the world of tomorrow, which construction is obviously today notably through the preservation of our ecosystem and the appeasement of social relations.

More than ever, firm leaders must show commitment, a strong will, a link with their environment, and not only with the economic stakeholders.

Internally as well, to their teams, regardless of the size of the structure.  


Accountants must unite their teams

They must also federate, propose, train and lead their employees in a quest that does not only combine an efficient economic result but also a meaning, a light, an interest that the work can offer on a daily basis.

In the same way that a country inscribes its rules of collective life in its constitution, a firm must modify and mention its mission(s) in its bylaws in order to communicate on its deep identity, its DNA, and thus naturally provoke a tenfold attractiveness at a time when employees and collaborators are asking for it, but also to act in a clear direction and to define a course of orientation and evolution.

It is a public statement of a firm's purpose and one or more of the social and environmental objectives that it is committed to pursuing in the course of its business.

This has a strong implication in the firm's environment because:

    • The formality must be filed with the Clerk of the Commercial Court of the jurisdiction on which it depends 
    • Publication will therefore be made in the SIRENE directory
    • An Independent Third Party will have the role of verifying the achievement of the social and environmental objectives

Moreover, the positive consequences for the firm are multiple:

    • Giving meaning to activities
    • Communicate a positive image 
    • Provide a high quality employer brand
    • Improve the involvement of everyone within the entity and thus directly improve economic performance

Reflection on the objectives

It is possible to think about and define these objectives that constitute the mission(s) by :

  • Gathering and exchanging within the management and/or the executive committee
  • Launching a wider internal consultation and involving its employees in the emergence of this new status and therefore of this new company
  • Taking the necessary time for discussion, but above all to hear and shape these new objectives so that they constitute a whole with meaning that meets the aspirations of all, but not only of the shareholders of course
  • Promoting objectives that link the company to its employees and its environment in order to establish a sustainable identity and strategy 
  • Being aware that SMART objectives are needed in order to avoid theatrical communication and that, above all, can be a source of difficult feedback in our society of immediacy in terms of communication

There are many possible objectives: the following are only intended to give some ideas:

Environmental objectives

      • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by collecting used electrical and electronic equipment for reconditioning, while promoting the use of renewable energy produced in France
      • To participate in the saving of resources and raw materials necessary for the composition of electrical and electronic equipment
      • Recover the waste generated by reusing or recycling parts of electrical and electronic equipment that cannot be repaired
      • Raise awareness of sustainable consumption among as many people as possible
      • Propose that a part of each person's annual work time be offered to useful and concrete ecological causes to be defined together
      • Decide to systematize decarbonized mobility and provide the means to do so
      • Establish an annual carbon assessment by an independent certifier to measure the positive evolution of collective efforts
      • Establish a selective sorting system in the company but also for each employee
      • Training employees in responsible development
      • Acting in favour of biodiversity
      • Promote links with nature or any action contributing to its protection in its communication
      • Enable its employees by facilitating the use of short circuits and the circular economy

Social objectives 

      • Make the Quality of Life at Work a permanent managerial concern
      • To systematically offer the individual or collective support necessary for each employee to evolve in his or her functions and to remain in the company on a long-term basis
      • Promote the hiring of a workforce in the territory where the company is located
      • Provide in-house training for unskilled and low-skilled workers
      • Guarantee to listen to and propose positive alternatives to employees who may be experiencing temporary or chronic difficulties in their work or their position or function 
      • To offer training related to the defense of the environment, ecology, agronomy to all employees but also any action that will allow everyone to become aware of the importance of energy in this decarbonized orientation
      • Accept and support the requested changes in positions

The accounting firm, a business with a mission

A movement of funds has started, and not only for marketing or display reasons, because the statutes are binding and it would be wrong to think that it follows a devious will of the shareholders of a firm to become a company with a mission: an awareness of everyone is underway.

It seems rather normal that, on the contrary, after two years of health difficulties that have clearly shown the shortcomings in our organizations but also the new aspirations that are claimed loud and clear today, a reflection should be undertaken to move from an accounting firm to a firm with a mission. 

This would certainly address part of the attractiveness and retention of talent in our service companies!




Viseeon France - Network of Chartered Accountants

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